8 Tips To Write Your Resume And Information Technology Resume In 2023

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Sure, your resume plays a crucial role in helping you land a job. But is jotting down your past work experiences enough to impress a potential employer, especially if you’re a Computers and Information Technology professional? Well, if that’s how your CV is, you might want to take a second look at it before you send it in with a job application! 

We mean, you think in codes, talk in numbers, and run entire information engines – shouldn’t your resume be a reflection of your outstanding skills? The thing is, many professionals don’t even know how to upgrade their CV to perfection. But we can help you with that! 

Read this blog to learn some 100% effective tips for writing an IT resume in 2023: 

Learn The Art Of Revamping Your Resume To Attract The Best IT Jobs In The Market

1- Format It Appropriately 

People think it doesn’t matter how you organize the information as long as it’s all correct and relevant. Sadly, this is only a misconception. Formatting your resume appropriately can make all the difference in the world. It makes your CV easier for the recruiter or the ATS to scan. So, what format works best for IT professionals?

According to industry experts, the reverse chronological format is perfect for information technology resumes. This means your CV should mention the latest events at the top and then move backwards from there. 

This order is more convenient for the recruiters since it allows them to immediately spot what you have to offer. However, if you’re a fresh graduate with little to no work experience, you should rather go with a functional or combination resume format!  

2- Use An IT-Specific Resume Template

As someone from the IT industry, a good and unbreakable flow of things is something that’s always expected of you. And your CV is no exception. So, you can’t simply pick an eye-catching template and create a resume, it needs to be industry-specific. 

The good news is, you can find countless relevant templates on the internet. But if you don’t want to go to such lengths on your own, just hire reliable IT resume services to craft your CV. These professionals will ensure your resume is spot-on, all set to impress recruiters and hiring managers! 

3- Include All The Relevant Details

Of course, you’ll mention your professional experience, education, skills, and contact details in your resume. But isn’t this exactly how every other CV in the hiring manager’s inbox is going to look like? You don’t want to blend in with other applicants; you have to show that you’re different. So, take your resume one step further and add some additional sections that are often left out! Here are a couple of things you can include to make your CV more attractive:

  • Volunteer Experience
  • Languages
  • Awards and Certification
  • Hobbies and Interests
  • Personal Projects

4- Display Your Contact Details Accurately

Many candidates overlook this aspect of a resume, but the way you mention your contact details can make or break your chances of landing an interview. Cross-check all the details before sending the document since even a minor error can bring the odds against you. And this advice applies to everyone, not just those in the Computers and Information Technology industry! 

Mention your full name (as per the ID card) and the title you’re applying for. Follow it by your phone number and email address. However, the email address should be professional, not the one you created in high school. Also, if you’re applying for an opportunity overseas, don’t forget to mention your location! 

5- Add A Concise Summary

Everything we mentioned above were just highlights of your professional journey. None of those things tell anything about your personality and character. And believe us, your personality is a major deciding factor in whether you’ll get the job or not.

Normally, recruiters will call you in for an interview after reviewing your CV to get to know more about you as a person. But if you simply mention a concise summary about yourself (professional, of course), it could significantly boost your chances of getting a call! 

Remember that the summary should be no longer than three to four lines. Also, keep it catchy yet simple and formal for a professional look! 

6- Include Action Words

Your achievements should stand out from the rest. It doesn’t mean you should have done something extraordinarily unique, you just have to present it that way. Guess what, though? Using action words is the best way to deliver a strong impact. Here’s a list of action words you may add:


However, if you’re not good with words, consider hiring affordable resume writing services for the task! 

7- Make Your Experience Stand Out

You probably have decades of experience in the field, but simply listing it out won’t cut it. You have to make it look more appealing and impressive. 

State your position name followed by the name of the organization. Then, mention your job’s start and end dates and end the section with a brief overview of your responsibilities and achievements. 

You see that last part? It’s the trickiest! Hiring managers don’t want to see how much you had on your plate, they want to see how you successfully managed it. So, talk in numbers – after all, isn’t that your area of expertise? 

For example: Don’t just say you reduced the website’s load time, say you decreased it by 30%. That is what’s going to make you look a big fish to catch! 

8- Add Relevant Skills

You have to display yourself as the best person for the job. It’s not that difficult, all you need is to include the relevant skills in your resume. Quickly scan through the job description and extract any specific skills mentioned there. Make sure to position them inside your CV, either in a separate section or under your past experiences. 

Here are a few hard skills worth adding to an IT specialist’s resume: 

  • Computer Hardware and Software Knowledge
  • Programming
  • Data Privacy 
  • Debugging
  • Technical Writing
  • Project Management
  • Front End Development
  • UI/UX
  • Technical Support
  • Linux
  • Oracle
  • SQL
  • Adobe Creative Suit
  • Backup Management

Key Takeaway: You’re Now All Set To Apply For Tech Jobs In 2023

Computers and Information Technology is an ever-evolving field with a plethora of opportunities. But the rising competition makes it a challenge to find a job that suits your experience and expertise. However, you can easily beat the competition with a strong CV, and this article just provided you with a bunch of tips for creating one! 

With these tips and tricks at your disposal, nothing is going to stop you from landing your dream job. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and modify your resume to make yourself the best fit for every IT specialist job out there! 

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