Easy And Efficient Step For Publishing A Book

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Did you pass your book writing phase? If yes, then your next step is to publish it. Now a question will surely pop into your mind that is “how to publish a book”. So don’t panic.

We know in the sea of tremendous tips regarding publishing, you will get confused.

That’s why we dodged the bullet for you and gathered the most important and effective ones. So scroll down and don’t miss any of the below points. Or else you will face obstacles in your publishing phase. 

Start Your Publishing Journey By Following These Tips And Strategies

People think that publishing a book is a very costly process. But that’s not true. It’s just a mind game. 

You have to curate a publishing plan and strategies. So to start a publishing stage, first you have to choose which road you want to walk on.  

Decide A Publishing Technique

There is no hard and fast rule for publishing a book. And it’s on you to decide which one works for you.

Do you want to take a self-publishing route?


Do you want to walk on traditional publishing path?

Moreover, will a small press work for you or a large company? 

It all depends on your budget and the way you want your book to get introduced in front of your audience. 

We’ll explain these four shortly, so it gets easier for you to choose.

When you want a publisher to do all your publishing work that’s called traditional publishing. And when you do it on your own then it’s self-publishing. 

If a publisher’s annual sales are under a certain level then it’s known as small press. On the other hand if you want billions of sales of your book then a larger publishing company can make your dream come true but it’s an expensive one. 

If the publishing method is decided then it’s time for some editing in your final draft. 

Edit, Edit and Edit

Editing your draft carries weight in getting your books published. 

If you want your book to make an impression on the readers then you have to make it error free. Edit your work after a few days of writing. It will help you to check with a fresh mind and you can see problems clearly. 

Bad at proofreading? Don’t worry. There are many sites online which are providing book proofreading services. Avail them and let the professionals take a deep dive in your work with fresh eyes. After the editing part is done, now it’s time to get feedback about your work. 

Get Feedback

Consider feedback as a gift, as they provide us with an area of improvement. 

Ask your friends or editors to read your work and deliver feedback. So you can make your draft a little better if needed. And also request them to provide a solution for the lackness. After finalizing your document, the next step is to give it a name. 

Naming Your Book: A name is something that identifies it. 

By this time, you have already decided the name of your book. But if that’s not the case, so you can think about it now. If you want people to remember your work, then give a catchy short name. Your title should create curiosity in the mind of people to read it. Now when you name your book, the hour has come for giving it a final touch. 

Format It To Publish

Format it as you want it to appear in the eyes of your reader.

  • Add headings and page numbers
  • Align all the paragraphs
  • Add graphics if you want
  • Check the fonts, bold the words you want to bold
  • Make your pages look catchy and readable 

Keep these steps in mind while formatting. After everything is ready, your book now does a wrap up with a design cover.

Attract With The Design

What attracts the eyes, catches attention. Readers usually buy a book with an interesting and attractive cover. Maybe just to see what’s written inside or to decorate it in their room. 

Therefore, create a cover design that is eye-catching but should not be unethical or unprofessional. It should show what’s coming next. The title and subtitles should be seen clearly on it. 

Description Of Your Book

A book description is what causes a reader to dig inside. 

Start your description with a quote or a captivating hook. Then gradually start telling readers about the main concept of the mood and end it with a statement which creates a twist or makes readers flip the page. 

To keep you away from this hustle, there are many online book writing services, which also write descriptions of books too. Now that your book is ready to publish, you have to look forward to making a plan for it. 

How To Launch Your Book

It’s not possible to publish a book solely. 

  • You can ask your close ones to promote it too, on their social media or just by word of mouth 
  • Make a website where you want to sell it and use digital medium for marketing your book
  • Make social media pages, ask your friends to write reviews on them
  • Target your audience with ads and emails
  • Ask an influencer to promote it
  • Send PRs  

When you are done with all the efforts by yourself, then you can ask a third party for help to increase sales. 

Ask Online Retailers for Sales

Self-publishing is not easy, you surely need an online retailer too.

You can find a lot of retailers and e-commerce websites too, which sell books. You can make a contract with them to make more sales. And for this step you have to make a budget about the investment and the sales. 

Furthermore, some people love to listen to books or read books on their phones. For these people you can also make EBooks and audiobooks, and ask retailers to sell them as well. And here, we conclude our last step of publishing a book online. 


Can’t wait to become an author?

Are you waiting patiently to take a step forward? 

So the wait is over. We know the journey is not simple. But by implementing these steps, we are confident that you’ll surely make an impact on others’ lives with your book. 

All in all, don’t be afraid. People will read it, judge it and make comments about it. Be open to feedback and work on the next one. Here is a little tip, consistent promotion is a key to get more readers. 



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